Aaron Jason: Mighty Thor Vol. 5: The Death Of The Mighty Thor

Naše cena: 424,- Kč
(sleva 15 % - ušetříte 75 Kč)
Autor: Aaron Jason
Druh vazby: Knihy - paperback
Počet stran: 168
Rozměr: 169 x 258 mm
Vydáno: 2018-12-11
Stav: Skladem v externím skladu
Datum odeslání: Do týdne
ISBN: 978-1-302-90661-0
EAN: 9781302906610
Nakladatelství: Folio, spol.s r.o.

Marvel Legacy hits Asgard with a bang - the death of the Mighty Thor! The final judgment comes as the Mangog arrives. The War Thor meets the beast head-on, but even the bloodthirst of this Ultimate hammer-wielder may pale in comparison to the Mangog's might! The battle rages as Jane Foster's cancer takes a turn for the worse, and she might not have to wait for the final judgment at all. The clock is ticking, the War of the Realms is spreading, and Mjolnir cannot save her this time. Can even the legendary Hercules help avert disaster? It's the beginning of the end - one that will lead to the most dramatic finale in the Marvel Universe. The tragic and heroic story of Jane Foster finally reaches its heart-rending zenith! COLLECTING: MIGHTY THOR 700-706, MIGHTY THOR: AT THE GATES OF VALHALLA

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