Hutchinson Tom: Project 3 Pracovní Sešit

Naše cena: 281,- Kč
(sleva 15 % - ušetříte 50 Kč)
Autor: Hutchinson Tom
Druh vazby: Knihy - paperback
Počet stran: 88
Rozměr: 218 x 276 mm
Vydáno: 2006-09-01
Stav: Skladem v externím skladu
Datum odeslání: Do týdne
EAN: 9780194365390
Nakladatelství: MEGABOOKS CZ-Distribuční centrum Vyškov

Projekt je pětidílná učebnice angličtiny - podle stupně pokročilosti. Zajímavá témata, se kterými učebnice pracuje, motivují studenty k aktivnímu používání angličtiny. An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures.

Nabízené knihy od stejného autora(autorky):
Hutchinson Tom: Lifelines Intermediate Student´s Book
Hutchinson Tom: Project 1 Culture DVD (3rd)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 1 Pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD a Project Online Practice (4th)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 1 Workbook with Audio CD and Online Practice 4th (International Eng
Hutchinson Tom: Project 2 Pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD a Project Online Practice (4th)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 2 Student´s Book
Hutchinson Tom: Project 2 Učebnice (3rd)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 3 Student´s Book
Hutchinson Tom: Project 3 Učebnice (3rd)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 5 Pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD a Project Online Practice (4th)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 5 Učebnice (4th)
Hutchinson Tom: Project 5 Workbook, 3rd (International English Version)