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Hlavní stránka > 77 Prague Legends / 77 pražských legend (anglicky)

Ježková Alena: 77 Prague Legends / 77 pražských legend (anglicky)

Ježková Alena: 77 Prague Legends / 77 pražských legend (anglicky) Doporučená cena: 399,- Kč
Naše cena: 339,- Kč
(sleva 15 % - ušetříte 60 Kč)

Autor: Ježková Alena
Druh vazby: Knihy - vázané
Počet stran: 160
Rozměr: 165 x 246 mm
Vydáno: 2006-10-01
Stav: Skladem v externím skladu
Datum odeslání: Do týdne

ISBN: 80-7252-139-X
EAN: 9788072521395
Nakladatelství: Práh s.r.o.
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Prague. A city with a thousand years of tradition. A city where you encounter history at every step. The pavement under your feet, the walls of the houses, churches and palaces you pass, the squares and hidden corners, are all imbued with a fascinating past you may often not even begin to suspect. Prague abounds in folk stories and historical legends and myths, some recorded by ancient chroniclers and some collected more recently by enthusiastic scholars. 77 Prague Legends is designed for all visitors to Prague who love to listen to mysterious stories. Most of the 77 Prague Legends concern buildings and places that still exist, and can easily be found using our maps, which clearly mark the sites and setting of the tales recounted in the book. 77 Prague Legends is more than just interesting ­reading, for it can inspire you to explore for yourself the romantic and intriguing monuments and sights of Prague. Alena Ježková (1966) is the author of many ­popular educational books about Prague and Czech ­history. She has won several awards for her work. Renáta Fučíková (1964) is a renowned illustrator with many ­international prizes to her name.


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