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Paulo Coelho: Brida

Paulo Coelho: Brida Doporučená cena: 197,- Kč
Naše cena: 167,- Kč
(sleva 15 % - ušetříte 30 Kč)

Autor: Paulo Coelho
Druh vazby: Brožovaná
Počet stran: 284
Formát: A5
Stav: Na objednávku
Datum dodání: Do 14 dnů

ISBN: 978-0-00-727446-8
EAN: 9780007274468
Nakladatelství: HarperCollins
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Coelhos brilliant tale of young Brida, an Irish girl who wishes to become a witch, is a compelling and vivid fantasy epic. Sadly, narrator Linda Emonds uninspired and monotonous reading is a disservice to this fantastic tale. Though the story is set in Ireland during the mid-80s, Emond makes no attempt at a regional dialect or even the slightest shift in tone for any of the characters. Her narrative voice is dull and uninspired, read with a soft whisper that will surely put most listeners to sleep before it ignites their imaginations. The story would be much better served with a narrator more willing to put their performance skills to the test and dive into the story.


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